Source: screens/NullScreen.js

export class NullScreen {

     * A NullScreen is a screen device that doesn't actually render anything. It might be useful if you want to run an engine on Node.
     * @constructor
     * @implements {Screen}

    constructor() {

        this.inputWidth = 0;
        this.inputHeight = 0;
        this.inputPitch = 0;

        this.inputFormat = null;
        this.inputData = null;

        this.outputWidth = 0;
        this.outputHeight = 0;


    validateInputFormat(format) {

        return true;


    setInputFormat(format) {

        this.inputFormat = format;


    setInputSize(width, height, pitch = width) {

        this.inputWidth = width;
        this.inputHeight = height;
        this.inputPitch = pitch;


    setInputData(data) {

        this.inputData = data;


    setOutputSize(width, height) {

        this.outputWidth = width;
        this.outputHeight = height;


    flushScreen() {

        // nothing

